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“In The Garden of The Kings”
Priory Annals & Biography of Ivory Johnson, Jr.

Ivory Johnson Jr. Priory No. 20

State of Texas & Its Jurisdictions 

Prince Hall Affiliated

Established September 15, 2019

On May 22, 2019, a Texas Delegation, received the Ceremony of Investiture and was admitted into the Garden of the Kings at the Annual Conclave, of Harry J. Spencer Priory No. 4 in Memphis, TN. The trailblazers were K⸫ Benjamin Burleson, K⸫ Bernard Samuel, K⸫ Jerry Brown, Sr., K⸫ Julius E. Wright, II, K⸫ Marcus Thomas, K⸫ Ronald D. Gerac, K⸫ Troy A. Cousin, K⸫ Rashad Sabree, and K⸫ Bryan C. Thompson.


On June 21, 2019, at our Grand Lodge session during a special Ceremony of Investiture K⸫ Hon⸫ Wilber M. Curtis was admitted into the Garden of Kings with the blessing of Most Eminent Grand Master General Dr. George H. Williams, Sr.


On June 28, 2019, seven candidates received the Ceremony of Investiture into the Garden of the Kings. The seven members were K⸫ Big-Bryce Hardin, K⸫ Raymond Keys, III, K⸫ Andre McGaughey, Sr., K⸫ John B. Love, III, K⸫ Moses Johnson, K⸫ Charles Gray, and K⸫ James Hooper. Jurisdictional Deputy Dr. Shawn G. Willis presented Ivory Johnson, Jr. Priory UD with a dispensation.


On September 16, 2019, Ivory Johnson, Jr. Priory UD was summoned to attend the Annual Grand Conclave, of the Convent General USA, Inc., Knights of the York Cross of Honor, to be held at the Holiday Inn, Virginia Beach-Norfolk Hotel Virginia Beach, Virginia, from April 27-May 3, 2020, by Most Eminent Grand Master General Dr. George H. Williams, Sr. Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Annual Grand Conclave, was cancelled which would have been attended by E⸫P⸫ K⸫ Hon⸫ Wilbert M. Curtis, D⸫E⸫P⸫ Benjamin Burleson, and Registrar K⸫ Jerry Brown, Sr. as the Priory representatives.


On September 28, 2019, Ivory Johnson, Jr. Priory UD held its Inaugural Annual Conclave under the leadership of Eminent Prior K⸫ Hon⸫ Wilbert M. Curtis, 33°, KYGCH.


January 30, 2020, Ivory Johnson, Jr. Priory UD held its Inaugural Business Meeting in Austin, Texas.


In March 2020, the United States began to experience the detrimental effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) implemented facial covering and social distancing guidelines. This caused the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and many other Masonic jurisdictions, to issue guidance for all Masonic bodies (withholding to its respective Jurisdiction) to not physically meet in compliance with federal, state, and local guidelines.


On September 26, 2020, Ivory Johnson, Jr. Priory UD held its 2nd Annual Conclave, by Special Dispensation, through a virtual platform. In “Texas Trailblazing” fashion, Ivory Johnson, Jr. Priory became the first Priory to hold a Conclave “virtually” via Zoom. During the 2nd Annual Conclave, Jurisdictional Deputy Dr. Shawn Willis, presented Ivory Johnson, Jr. Priory UD with its Charter establishing Ivory Johnson, Jr. Priory No. 20 at 09:20 a.m. An election was performed. The first Elected and Appointed Officers were:

Eminent Prior:                K⸫ Hon⸫ Wilbert M. Curtis, 33°, KCT, KYGCH

Deputy Prior:                  K⸫ Benjamin Burleson

Warder of the Temple:    K⸫ Bernard Samuel

Registrar:                        K⸫ Jerry Brown, Sr., 33°, KYGCH

Treasurer:                       K⸫ Big-Bryce Hardin

Prelate:                           K⸫ Raymond Keys, III

Orator:                            K⸫ Julius E. Wright, II

Herald:                            K⸫ Marcus Thomas

Marshall:                         K⸫ Ronald D. Gerac, 33°, KCT, KYGCH

Sentinel:                         K⸫ Rashad Sabree

1st Lecturer:                   K⸫ Andre McGaughey, Sr.

2nd Lecturer:                  K⸫ Bryan C. Thompson

3rd Lecturer:                   K⸫ John B. Love, III

4th Lecturer:                   K⸫ Moses Johnson

Assistant Registrar:        K⸫ Troy A. Cousin, 33°, KCT, KYGCH

Member:                        K⸫ Charles Gray

Member:                        K⸫ James Hooper





Compiled by:


K\Orator Julius E. Wright, II, 33°, KYCH

22 January 2021

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